Sebastian 'Bash' de Poitiers
Sebastian de Poitiers (a.k.a Bash), is the illegitimate son of King Henry and his favorite mistress, Diane de Poitiers in the CW series Reign. Half-brother to Francis, Elisabeth, Claude, Margaret, Charles, Henry III, Henrietta and Emone. Despite this, he was still his father's favorite.
- He is the only main character not based on a real person.
- There are internet rumors that Bash is based on Bastian Pagez, one of Mary's most loyal servants. This is not true.
- King Henry II only acknowledged one male illegitimate son who was only given a small title, due to the fact that at the time it was considered foolish to do so for it encouraged successions wars.
- He was engaged to Mary until she decided to marry Francis.
- In Left Behind, his mother planned to legitimize him and used Mary as an influence to make him agree.
- Bash disowned his mother after finding out that she was responsible for the deaths of Henry and Catherine's twin daughters.
- Bash began developing a sort of friendship with his stepmother in Terror of the Faithful which increased in Banished after he saved her life.
- His cousin, Isobel, is a pagan along with his mother.
- He got a title, Master of Horse and Hunt in Monsters. It is said by Kenna that Henry made it up. Historically, Bash's title "Master of the Horse" is a real position that dates back to Ancient Rome. Historically in France, the "Master of the Horse" would be known as the "Grand Squire of France" which is equal to being a "Great Officer of the Crown".
- He was part of an incestuous relationship with Claude, his half-sister, albeit only after she convinced him that Henry was not his real father. He broke it off after he realized his true parentage.
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